In my rookie Tour Divide attempt […]
. May 28th, 2019 | Category: Mountain Biking | Comments are closed “Wilderness is a necessity… there must be places for human beings to satisfy their souls…” — John Muir Today is the Winter Solstice! Most hopeful Tour Divide riders know today is the day to officially send your email to tourdivide@gmail.com with your letter of intent for the coming year’s unofficial Grand Depart! Here is […] 2019 will be the year of redemption! I will once again toe the line in Banff to ride the Divide! A year and a half to prepare. Will it be enough? I returned from the 2016 Tour Divide broken and disappointed. I was having such a good time on the ride only to have my […] It’s been several months now since I returned from the Divide. I get constant reminders of the Divide from the Facebook group as people upload their stories, questions and plans for their next attempts. And I just received the awesome 2016 Tour Divide Participant Jersey that Bill Littmann created which was a good reminder that […] I had laid all my clothes out to dry before going to bed, and that worked well. But I looked out the window to see more rain. It looked cold. A quick weather check showed that I could expect a cold rain most of the day. So I packed my bike and pulled on all […] Day 4 started great! I slept a bit long, but woke refreshed and with partly cloudy skies. A couple riders went by as I was breaking down my camp before getting back on to climbing. This sections was closed to motorized vehicles, so the trail kind of alternated between nice double track and overgrown single […] Well, I’ve been home for a couple weeks and decided it’s time to update the blog. The Tour Divide is an amazingly scenic, hard, hard ride. I challenged myself like I have never done before, but only wound up riding for about 8 days, averaging 10 hours on the mountain bike and about 80 miles […] I tried to sleep in this morning, but with sunrise at 5:30am, my room got bright and I was up before 7 (that’s before 6 AZ time). Today was prep day. Get my bags packed and go for a test ride. I took my time organizing my gear, but I’m sure I’ll be making […] Arrived in Canada! The trip was pretty uneventful. I was a bit anxious about my bike and gear getting here with me, but no problems! The TSA didn’t even inspect my boxes (something else I was concerned with just because I know how I packed everything. My bike weighed in at 19 pounds (excluding seat […] |