Please Support Annette’s Fund-Raising Efforts!

Annette has decided to run/walk the Las Vegas 1/2 Marathon this coming December in support of the Crohns and ulcerative Colitis Foundation. Her dad and cousins have fought these diseases for many years, so it is a problem that hits close to home. I’ve added a link on the left that will take you to […]

High Country 200k Brevet

I was in Denver on Thursday and Friday before the High Country 200k in ShowLow. My flight back was supposed to land at 7:35 pm, which, optimistically, would put me in ShowLow around 11pm. Unfortunately, thunderstorms were moving through the Phoenix area and we wound up circling the airport for about an hour waiting for […]

My new Calfee

Mike Cox asked me to post some pix of the new Calfee (probably to show off what great work he does!) LOL. Calfee does great work (

Me and my new ride. Calfee Tetra Pro with a translucent blue (you can see the carbon fabric under the paint) that fades to black. Notice the […]

Clint’s Well Personal Century

I didn’t do as well as I would have liked during my last two “big” events, suffering from knee pain during each. Hindsight is 20/20 and I know I wasn’t properly prepared, especially considering the amount of hill climbing involved for both of them. My next “big” event is the “Son of Death Ride” … […]

Taylor House Century 2009

Mike Cox at Curbside Cyclery finished my new Calfee while my kids and I were off camping at Kinnikinick Lake the weekend before the Taylor House Century. Luckily Jeff Lockwood was able to squeeze in a bike fit for me on Monday, so the bike would be ready for it’s maiden century! I had decided to try… […]