
I started bicycle riding sometime in 2002 when my friend Elliot convinced me to join the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s “Team in Training” to ride El Tour de Tucson with him.  Team in Training is an excellent way to get into cycling, and I highly recommend it.  Anyway, since then I’ve become rather obsessed with cycling and enjoy long distance endurance events.  I even started meeting regularly with Jeff Lockwood (my cycling coach and owner of Lifesport, Inc.) to improve.  When I rode in an event or had an interesting training ride I sent Jeff a ride report to let him know how I thought I did.  I copied a few of my cycling friends so they could read about my adventures.  Somehow the distribution list for my ride reports kept growing.  When it got to over 50 people I decided it was time to start posting them online, hence this site.   Anyway, I’m not a web developer, so this is just a basic website, but browse around the site and enjoy the stories.  If you would like to leave feedback or if you know about a ride that you think I would enjoy, please email me.


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